lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

is an spanichs writer, author of "In the shadow of your skin", "The God of light" and "Purple star".
"IN THE SHADOW OF YOUR SKIN" tells the story of two sisters, Ana and Isabel Sierra; the desire for both at all costs to achieve their goals and dreams in life, will become deadly rivals, both socially and sentimental.
In this psychological thriller, María Serralba shows us how it Works the complex mechanism of the human mind, which takes a prominente role in the various actions tha their characters take place, giving rise to the reader to question whether they are justified or not.
"IN THE SHADOW OF YOUR SKIN" tells the story of two sisters, Ana and Isabel Sierra; the desire for both at all costs to achieve their goals and dreams in life, will become deadly rivals, both socially and sentimental.
In this psychological thriller, María Serralba shows us how it Works the complex mechanism of the human mind, which takes a prominente role in the various actions tha their characters take place, giving rise to the reader to question whether they are justified or not.
"Love is the only word I need to show you never saw, because it was the first I learned of your kisses., I'll love you forever. Irati"
"THE GOD OF LIGHT" tells the story of Emilio Garcia, a young islander whose desire is to know the truth about her past, which will bring you back to the scenes of his childhood and to contact those who had some meaning in your life, including Graciela, which affectionately calls "his Irish fairy."
This touching story, the author Mary Serralba offers world view of homosexuality from the social point of view and from the focus of the eyes of an innocent child claimed that all he is, let him be as it is.
The delicate treatment that sequences are described, the reader will be involved in this beautiful story of feelings and unexplored.
The hard process of personal and public acceptance of other characters will also be part of the additives that make the God of the lighthouse, a story shine through.
"In a world where everything is feeling having sex this is meaningless"

PURPLE STAR is the first volume of the historical trilogy The Legacy of Julia Flavia.
"Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted ...". Rule of St. Benedict, 7.1
MARÍA SERRALBA with long experience as a writer, poet and journalist, is the founder of PROYECTO MARIA cultural platform that taps into the dissemination of their work to support charitable causes.

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«La fuerza inagotable que anida en mi interior, es la fuente de la que se nutre mi perseverancia por ver hecho realidad mi único deseo». Leimotiv de ©María Serralba
«Todo en la vida se puede llegar a lograr, tan solo es cuestión de TIEMPO, de DESEO, de ESFUERZO y siempre dotándolo con una generosa dosis de mucho AMOR». Da tiempo al Amor ©María Serralba
«Cuando la mente y el cuerpo están en perfecta sintonía, el ser humano es capaz de todo, y cuando esto no es así entonces... se puede esperar cualquier cosa de él». A la sombra de tu piel ©María Serralba
«En un mundo donde todo es sentimiento el sexo que tenga este carecerá de importancia». El Dios del faro ©María Serralba
«Todo el que se ensalza será humillado y el que se humille será ensalzado...». La estrella púrpura ©María Serralba
«Si la inspiración no viene a mí salgo a su encuentro a mitad del camino». ©Sigmud Freud
«Sin los escritores, aun los actos más laudables son de un día». ©José Augusto Trinidad Martínez (Azorín)
«Un autor de historias fingidas escribe el libro que quiere leer y que no encuentra en ninguna parte». ©Augusto Roa Bastos
«Existe una fuerza motriz más poderosa que el vapor, la electricidad o la energía atómica y es, la voluntad». ©Albert Einstein
«Las personas solo cambiamos de verdad, cuando nos damos cuenta de las consecuencias de no hacerlo». ©Mario Alonso Puig
YO estoy con MARÍA
A la sombra de tu piel
Baúl recuerdos
Coachin Literario
Da tiempo al Amor
Describiendo una imagen
El Dios del faro
El Legado de Flavia Julia-Trilogía
Hijo de mi vida
Historias urbanas
María pregunta a...
Novelas entre dos
Ventana Cultural
Ventana solidaria
Zen María
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